Pioneering Healthcare in Iraq
As the first congress of its kind in Iraq, ICIC is paving the way for transformative advancements in minimally invasive treatment options, shaping the future of healthcare in the region and beyond.
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As the first congress of its kind in Iraq, ICIC is paving the way for transformative advancements in minimally invasive treatment options, shaping the future of healthcare in the region and beyond.
Founded in 2025, the International Comprehensive Interventional Congress (ICIC) is the first of its kind in Iraq, serving as a premier platform dedicated to advancing interventional care on a global scale.
The main aim of ICIC is the development and promotion of minimally invasive treatment techniques across various medical specialties, revolutionizing patient care and improving outcomes.
ICIC's vision is to set new benchmarks in interventional care, making it the go-to platform for innovation, education, and collaboration in fields such as interventional radiology, complex cardiac interventions, and more.
ICIC is dedicated to fostering collaboration, innovation, and education across multiple medical specialties, creating a global community of healthcare professionals.
Advanced imaging-guided procedures for precise diagnosis and treatment.
Cutting-edge treatments for complex neurological conditions.
Advanced procedures for challenging cardiovascular cases.
Innovative solutions for structural heart diseases.
Specialized treatments for congenital heart conditions.
Advanced techniques for chronic pain treatment.
Through our annual congress and various educational programs, we provide cutting-edge training experiences to medical professionals worldwide.
Be part of this transformative journey in healthcare innovation
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